
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Another News Comment

I just went cruising by CNN again this morning when I got up and settled down with my coffee...

There just seems to be something wrong about the fact that the headlines for two days have focused on a couple of wannabe losers who managed to sneak/crash/lie/cheat or whatever their way into a state banquet in pursuit of yet another 'Reality TV' contract. In the meantime, the coverage of the event itself and almost everything about it got lost in the scandal-sheet, rumor and hype style of reporting. Yup...the Secret Service blew it and it could have been a disaster if someone had slithered in with a bomb vest instead of a cummerbund but they didn't. Learn from it and fix it. By Tuesday, some scapegoat slob is going to be looking for work. A supervisor might even resign or get sacked in the uproar but at the end of the day, it's all a sideshow that distracts from anything that really matters much beyond the failure in security implications.

Since this is the season for wishing, I have a wish for the world...Can we move on and forget about Reality TV? Reality TV is most decidedly NOT reality to anyone but those creating it and profiting by it. In the interest of sanity, could we get back to talking about news on the front page and let Judge Judy take care of the rest on weekday afternoons? I'd sure appreciate it and I'd like to think I'm not alone.

1 comment:

rrpilot said...

Amen brother!...I truly believe that the rise of 'reality' tv is one of the signs of the End's the evil offspring of our morally corrupt, celebrity worship society, these mouth breathers will do anything for media attention witness the balloon boy saga as well...