
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

18 Down

Another one gone. Years drift by.

Here I am at my desk on the first day of '19, watching daylight break out of the dark and the wind blow everything not nailed down off to the east. I like to sit here and tap at my computer. I might prowl around the news or Fb or something equally outdated...mostly just idling with the shift lever in park. 

I can't see much yet but the wind chimes are playing a mad concerto. And the cover just blew off the hot tub again...

It may turn into rain or snow later but I've got firewood and so far, the power is still on. At least I'm not out in it on a train somewhere so let it howl and rattle the boards. I've got my third coffee in hand...that's three that didn't come out of a thermos and the phone isn't likely to ring till sometime tonight. 

It's quiet and I like that. All is well so far.

"Favete Linguis"

Horace was right.

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