
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Just In Case...

...someone is actually reading this thing. I sort of dropped off the radar since that last post. Must be writing that much wore me out. Well, maybe not. It's just that time flies when you're having they say and suddenly a week has gone and I can't find it. The days seem like they're disappearing unless I'm thinking about my upcoming vacation. If I do that, they slow to a crawl and it seems like the time off will never get here. Just keep my head down and get there. If all goes as planned, I'll only have to make a couple more trips up north before I get away. Man, do I need it.
It's been a long haul since I've had any significant time off. Because of the way I schedule things, it always is. I try to take my weeks in the spring and summer when the kids are out of school and we can actually do stuff. Someday, when I get four weeks built up, I might try to get some time around the winter holidays but for now it's all sunshine and warm days. Trouble is, it makes for a tough pull from July into April with no real breaks (unless you count last year's little hiatus to have surgery. Now that was a real blast!). I'm pretty steady most of the time as far as work goes so I don't take off a whole lot of unscheduled time. Keeps the income going but burns out the old guy after a while. A week away from the cell phone will be a much needed recharge.
I'll be here a little bit during the week but plan on putting some miles on all three bikes, doing some day tripping and I might even get a little work done around the old money-pit. No matter what, I won't be on a train and I plan on thinking about it so little, they may need to re-qualify me on the territory when I get back. Now that's what I call R&R.

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