
Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Buck Stops Where?

"The Buck Stops Here"

When someone claims to be the leader of a movement, he must accept responsibility for the actions of his followers. The captain of every ship that ever sailed knows that they are ultimately responsible for the actions of that vessel and everyone on it. Command comes at a price.

Everyone who has ever carried the mantle of leadership and authority or who has others in their care in any capacity understands that there is a cost to be borne for that privilege.

Power without accountability is tyranny. Power without consequence is criminal. Power without compassion is tragedy.

A man who accepts the trappings of power that go with an office of such import as the Presidency and who will not also accept the ultimate responsibility of unworthy of the title.

He is responsible for what happened at the Capitol. Whataboutthats don't change it. Deflection and comparisons don't excuse it. He called his 'base' to action and they obeyed. He knew exactly what was going to happen. He led and others followed...the blame is his. That's the true cost of sitting behind the big desk.
Make no mistake...the man at the bully pulpit preached insurrection and revolt because he didn't get what he wanted. He used the awesome power of his office to corrupt and deceive.

True to form, he didn't even bother to head the march to the Capitol himself as did better men such as Dr. King when their belief and cause led them to risk all. He stood behind bulletproof glass and sent the believers on their way. He didn't link arms and stride proudly with them into history. His face isn't going to be in the photos of what he did because he wasn't there. He didn't risk anything. He calculated correctly that he could get others to do it for him. He let his faithful be on the point of the charge. As he so often has, he thought of them as useful but ultimately expendable. He let them do the dirty work while he watched it all on television from the house he doesn't even own. He led from behind.

Ultimately, the future will judge. Millions of words will tell thousands of stories of what happened. Hundreds of historians will defend their theses and pundits will analyze for a generation. How it all unfolds from here remains to be seen and I am probably the least qualified to even remotely predict what the next few years will bring. But what I do know is that one man abdicated his right to lead and undid any good he may have done. His inability to react with grace or dignity when it really, truly counted will be his legacy.

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